Developer Documentation

Tracing with ETW and PerfView

This guide explains Enticify ETW support and tracing with PerfView.

Enticify traces activity information using Microsoft Event Tracing for Windows. This is great for the following reasons:

  • ETW tracing is very fast.
  • You can start and stop tracing without making any configuration changes.
  • You can trace in production, to examine live behaviour.
  • There are lots of great tools you can use. We ship PerfView for you.

Using PerfView to capture Enticify trace

We ship Microsoft PerfView with Enticify.

  • The following applies to Enticify version 4.1.x and later.
  • Navigate to the Enticify PerfView Program Files folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Enticify\PerfView
  • Run Collect.bat to run PerfView and collect Enticify events. This requires Administrator elevation, so expect a prompt if not elevated.
  • Alternatively, run CollectFull.bat to collect Enticify events and other machine wide events, such as the CLR events.
  • PerfView will now be running and collecting.
  • Run whatever Enticify behaviour you wish to examine.
  • Press the Stop Collection button when you're done.
  • Double click the entry in the tree view.
  • Double click the Events entry.
  • Multi-select the Event Types you're interested in, e.g. all the Enticify/Xxx events.
  • Click Update.
  • Read the trace OR send the trace file for us to examine!

Notes on production usage

ETW is very fast, but Enticify performance will be altered when you run an event consumer like PerfView. Please don't let this put you off. It is a great tool. However, you should be aware of this and keep an eye on overall performance.